Covid-19 Update Feb 26th
Dear Brothers and Sisters;
Governor Walz announced a Stay at Home executive order 20-20 yesterday requiring Minnesotans to stay at home. All workers that have the capabilities to work from home must do so from March 27 at 11:59 pm to April 10 at 5:00 pm. He also announced executive orders extending the closure of bars, restaurants, and other public accommodations until May 1, 2020, at 5:00 pm. This order does have exemptions for construction work.
The construction industries are considered essential employees. Essential employees should be allowed to travel to and from work without violating the new Stay Home executive order. At this time we are being told you do not need to have an Exempt Worker Verification form with you when traveling to and from work, but that could change at any time and I feel it’s best you have one just in case. If your employer has not given you an Exempt Worker Verification form, below you will find a link where you can download the form, and have your employer fill out. Keep a copy of this in your vehicle in the event you need to show proof of your exemption. Exempt Worker Verification Form.
We at the union hall are also considered essential and plan to handle all the day to day activities as usual. There will be changes until the executive order is lifted. Currently, we have software in place that allows us to connect to all necessary programs and files so we are able to work from home as if we are in the office. So far, we have not had any issues but I’m sure at some point we will find a problem we didn’t foresee. Please bear with us on this as we are going down a path we have never been down. I also ask that you do not come to the union office. We will not be allowing anyone in unless you have an appointment ahead of time. Appointments will be allowed only if we are unable to help you by phone or email. Not only does this protect you, but our staff as well.
The current cancelations are;
- Awards banquet April 4th, Canceled.
- All face to face class for the JATC Canceled for the next two class sessions for each class section. As of right now, classes are set to resume on Monday, April 13th. This could change at any time and all apprentices must stay in contact with the JATC for updates.
- Union meeting scheduled for April 8th, 2020 is now Canceled.
- The executive board will be taking any action on behalf of the membership.
I also want to remind everyone of the changes to unemployment. If you are laid off, furloughed, if you have a genuine belief that being present would place you in imminent danger of contracting Covid – 19, or who have been quarantined, or advised to self-quarantine, due to possible exposure to Covid -19, or Workers can’t get childcare or other accommodation to take care of school-aged children You are eligible for unemployment. You can go to to start the application process.
We will try to keep you up to date with this ever-changing situation but if you ever have a question don’t hesitate to call.
In Solidarity
Chad Katzung
Business Manager
IBEW Local 343