Possible State Building Code Exemptions from Inspections Clarification Change
Senator Jason Rarrick has carried a bill to add exemptions that would allow the complete replacement of a saver switch and other things, to a completely new one without having to get it inspected. Not only is this a safety concern, but it also would drastically cut down on the amount of work available to our inspectors in rural areas. Jason is an IBEW 110 member and a small business owner of a small electrical contracting business and should know the importance of this work. We are asking our members and inspectors to reach out with their concerns about this bill and how it could affect our members. Also, Senator Michael P. Goggin has added his name as an author to the bill, and he is a senator from southern Minnesota.
See the bill https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/bill.php?b=Senate&f=SF3962&ssn=0&y=2020
Senator Jason Rarrick contact info is
E-mail: sen.jason.rarick@senate.mn
Legislative Assistant: Karen Johnson 651-296-0293
Senator Michael P. Goggin contact info is
E-mail: sen.mike.goggin@senate.mn
Legislative Assistant: Matt Wooldridge 651-296-4264
If you have any questions reach out the Justin Pruett email justinp@ibewlocal343.org or call 507-577-1109